SER presents 2018 Annual Report to Parliament

On Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020 the SER presented its 2018 annual report to Parliament. Pictured from left to right: Mr. Gerard Richardson (SER Secretary General), Ms. Sharon Arnell (SER Senior Policy Advisor), Ir. Damien Richardson (SER Chairman), Ms. Eveline Henriquez-Dijkhoffz (SER Vice-chairwoman), and Ms. Carla Vlaun (SER Policy Advisor).
Integrity Chamber visits the SER

On Thursday, January 16th, 2020 the members of the Integrity Chamber paid a courtesy visit to the SER. Pictured from left to right: Mr. H. Lodder (Integrity Chamber member), Ms. C. Pompier (Integrity Chamber Secretary General), Ms. L. Vogels (Integrity Chamber President), Ir. D. Richardson (SER Chairman), Mr. G. Richardson (SER Secretary General), Mr. R. […]
The Social Economic Council is currently working on:

The advice concerning the National Ordinance Pension Reform Civil Servants; in Dutch ‘Landsverordening herziening pensioen overheidsdienaren’ (solicited advice). Letter of advice concerning Immigration (unsolicited advice). Letter of advice concerning preventative health care (unsolicited advice)