SER Sint Maarten attends Climate conference.

PHILIPSBURG—June 27, 2022. A delegation of the Social Economic Council (SER) of Sint Maarten attended a climate conference titled ‘Climate Crisis and Social dialogue’. The event was held in the “Miltiadis Evert” Auditorium, Technopolis City of Athens in Greece. The conference was organized by the Social Economic Council of Greece in collaboration with the International […]
SER’s Aruba and St. Maarten visit BrabantAdvies.

On Friday, July 1st, Tristan Every chairman of SER Aruba and Gerard Richardson, secretary-general of SER Sint Maarten, visited BrabantAdvies. They were received by director Ivka Orbon and Alwin Groen (secretary-general SER Brabant). The conversation focused on strengthening mutual contacts and on various socio-economic themes. In Aruba and Sint Maarten, the revision of the tax system and adjustment of the minimum […]